


Consumption of Tomato and processed products from this food can lead to a reduction of 25 to 30% risk of prostate cancer. Tomatoes are by far the richest source of lycopene, a powerful antioxidant that fights free radicals, slows aging and can protect against cancer, including prostate. Lycopene is a carotenoid that gives the red color to tomatoes, and can be found in lesser amounts, watermelon, guava in in strawberries, and papayas. The more intense the color will be richer in antioxidants. It is used to treat prostatitis, benign prostatic hyperplasia and prostate cancer prevention.
Thyme (Thymus Vulgaris), family Lamiaceae, is an aromatic subshrub of the family Labiatae. It has huge benefits due to their medicinal properties. It is used to fight lung and throat infections, asthma and hay fever and parasite removal. Invigorating and tonic, is primarily used as respiratory medicine.
The Grape - Ursina ( Arctostaphylos uva- ursi ) , is im subshrub derived from Northern Europe and Asia , which is currently scattered through the forests of the Northern Hemisphere , Europe and North America . Combat infections of the urinary tract resulting from benign prostatic hyperplasia , urinary stones and chronic kidney inflammation . Combat also sores in the mouth , throat, intestines , genitals , inflammation of the prostate and urethra , diarrhea , dysentery , cystitis and catarrh . It has diuretic action , anti- inflammatory and anti- sética on the urinary tract, due to the presence of flavonoids and glycosides arbutin . Arbutin , which compound corresponds to 10 % of the dry weight of the plant, is absorbed by the body in large quantities and be excreted by the kidneys in the form of hydroquinone acts as an anti- inflammatory and anti- septic along the urinary tract. For this reason the bearberry leaves are useful for the treatment of urinary tract , either urethritis , prostatitis , pyelonephritis or cystitis. In most cases the microbes become resistant to antibiotics , and the bearberry very valid alternative complement these treatments.
The Vine leaves (Vitis Vinifera), are rich in polyphenolic compounds that have a protective action vessel. Are used on chronic venous insufficiency, tired legs, varicose veins and hemorrhoids. Anthocyanosides present in vine leaf have an activity that Vitamin P and can be useful to combat venous insufficiency and capillary fragility skin. Tannins promote venous return, avoiding the swelling, weight and discomfort. Proanthocyanidins antioxidants are present in leaves and help to stabilize the collagen. Vine helps us with vision problems (macular degeneration).
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Rutin belongs to the group of derivatives flavones generally described as bioflavonoids.. This product has the action of increasing capillary resistance. The rutin works in the biochemical pathway of arachidonic acid by inhibiting prostaglandin synthesis by inhibition of prostaglandin synthetase and cyclo-oxygenase.Inhibits the action of leukotrienes by inhibiting lipoxygenase. As a result of blockage of prostaglandin synthesis occurs lipolysis stimulated by catecholamines and hormones lipolytic. Reduces inflammation by reducing histamine and decrease capillary permeability and vasoconstrictor action by blocking the synthesis of leukotrienes. Rutin complexes with free radicals, protecting the vascular structures against the harmful effect. It antilipoperoxidante preventing the oxidation of fats. Acts on collagen and elastin.