45 Capsules
Most men suffer or will suffer from prostate problems. Therefore, it is essential to act at the level of prevention. The most common diseases of the prostate are prostatitis (inflammation), benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) and cancer. BPH consists of benign prostate enlargement, which causes a decrease in the diameter of the urethra and an alteration of the normal flow of urine. Consequently, there is a difficult urination, frequent and sometimes painful, preventing the man to completely empty the bladder. This may cause some problems (urinary infections, for example) and greatly interfere in their quality of life. The ProtosNat is a dietary supplement for the prevention and aid in the treatment of BPH and other diseases of the urinary tract.lts high efficiency is due to the wealth of its constitution. It consists of several plants with therapeutic properties beneficial to the urinary system and prostate, whose joint action is extremely advantageous in the presence of pathology at this level. This product contains palm of Florida (Serenoa repens), pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo), Echinacea (Echinacea angustifolia), bearberry (Arctostaphylus uva-ursi), Vine (Vitis vinifera) and Plum africana (Pygeum africanum). It has also Soy isoflavones, lycopene and DL-a-tocopherol (Vitamin E).

Florida palm tree (Serenoa repens)
It is the plant most used and studied for prevention and treatment of prostate pathologies. Exerts an anti androgenic activity, since it inhibits the activity of 5-alpha-reductase. This enzyme allows the transformation of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone (DHT), a hormone responsible for prostate enlargement. Serenoa repens is important in the regeneration of prostatic epithelium.lt is still urinary antiseptic, diuretic and stimulating the secretory function of the prostate. Attenuates abnormal proliferation of prostate cells. It has anti-inflammatory properties, since it inhibits the enzymes responsible for the production of prostaglandins and leukotrienes (substances involved in inflammation), particularly at the level of the reproductive and urinary system (prostatitis and cystitis). It is effective against the development of edema, one of the possible causes of urinary discomfort. According to numerous studies, the use of this plant enables a substantial improvement in the quality of life of men with prostate problems, including BPH. It is very effective in controlling symptoms since it contributes to the reduction of prostate size, the increase in urine flow, reducing the average number of voids (particularly relevant in nocturnal urination) and improvement of sexual activity. It is also considered a tonic reproductive system. As such it is useful in cases of impotence (erectile dysfunction), pre¬ mature ejaculation and decreased libido. This is a large advantage over synthetic drugs used in the treatment of prostate diseases, since the latter have often adverse effects on sexual function.
Pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo)
Clinical studies have been conducted concerning the combination of Cucurbita pepo and Serenoa repens, having verified the existence of synergism between the two plants. This is no advantage to be used together due to the enhancement of their therapeutic actions. As Serenoa repens, this plant inhibits the activity of 5-alpha-reductase.It has anti-inflammatory properties and are particularly effective in combating inflammation of the prostate, kidney, urinary tract, liver, spleen and skin. Pumpkin seeds have traditionally been used in treatment of prostate disease (BPH) and bladder, and to facilitate removal of kidney stones. These actions are due to its content of cucurbitacines (active compounds). This plant also presents effectiveness in eliminating worms and parasites in the human body (effective against round¬ worms and pinworms).lt is slightly diuretic and sedative. It may be useful in the presence of nausea and vomiting. Also contains a high amount of vegetable sterols, which assist in reducing levels of LDL-cholesterol ("bad" cholesterol) in the blood.
Echinacea (Echinacea angustifolia)
The Echinacea is a plant having immunostimulant properties, i.e., increase the defenses of the human organism, making it more resistant against infections, whether of bacterial, viral or fungal infection.Most prominent are urinary tract infections. It is anti-inflammatory, digestive coleretica (increases bile secretion), sialagoga (stimulates the secretion of saliva) and favors the healing of wounds.lt also helps to regenerate cells that have been damaged. Furthermore, Echinacea has also antioxidant properties due to its content in anthocyanosides (compounds with high antioxidant power).
Bearberry (uva-ursi Arctostaphylus)
The Grape-bearberry has several medicinal properties of great importance to the urinary tract. Is bladder tonic, diuretic (the content in flavonoids) and antiseptic genito-urinary tract. The arbutosido, the main active compound of this plant, is responsible for its antimicrobial action of specific tropism on the urinary tract. The arbutosido hydrolyzed by the action of intestinal bacterial flora, releasing hydroquinone, which is eliminated by the kidney and helps alkaline urine. The bearberry is also an anti-inflammatory action.lt is therefore useful in the prevention and treatment of cystitis (bladder inflammation), edema, urinary incontinence, "stones" in the bladder and kidney, urinary infections, painful urination, genital inflammation, prostate inflammation and urethra and other inflammatory diseases of the urinary tract. Its tannin content gives it antidiarrheal and haemostatic properties (for local vasoconstriction) and may be used in the existence of hemorrhoids and urinary bleeding. Allantoin justifies their properties re-epitelizantes.
Grapevine (Vitis vinifera)
The Vine extract is rich in polyphenol compounds (anthocyanosides, flavonoids, resveratrol) and tannins, with a potent antioxidant.Plays an important anti-inflammatory and antioxidant, for its content in oligomeric procyanidins (OPC), being effective against many diseases (cancer, inflammatory disorders originating, heart disease, vision problems, high cholesterol). It is also useful in diseases of vascular origin (varices, retinopathy, chronic venous insufficiency, leg fatigue, hemorrhoids, among others), it increases the resistance of blood vessels and improves blood circulation peripheral.Protecting against inflammation caused by free radical attack, regenerates the walls of veins and capillaries and enhances its elasticity. The tannins favor the contraction of muscle cells along the veins, improving venous return. Resveratrol increases the capacity of inhibiting the development of certain tumors, including prostate and bladder. Vitis vinifera is venotonica, astringent and diuretic.
African plum tree (Pygeum africanum)
Also a plant is very useful for promoting prostate health, especially when combined with Serenoa repens. The African Plum has a regenerative action of the prostatic secretory epithelium, restoring the secretory function of the prostate. Improves the quality of semen, helping to combat male infertility and some cases of impotence (erectile dysfunction). It antiinflammatory because it inhibits prostaglandin synthesis in prostate tissue. It is then effective in cases of prostatitis and other inflammations of the urinary system. As demonstrated in numerous studies, is very effective in improving urinary disorders such as nocturia (increased volume of urine during the night), pollakiuria (increased number of urinations) and urgency. Alleviates the symptoms of BPH and may be beneficial in prostate cancer.lt features an antiseptic and diuretic.
Soya isoflavones
With steroid compounds are not estrogen mimetic activity, since they have the capability to fixate the estrogenic receivers. They are thus referred to as "phyto estrogen". Soy contains essential amino acids and antioxidants. It is rich in isoflavones, particularly genistein and daidzein. The isoflavone genistein is the most active and has been the subject of numerous studies due to its anticancer properties. Thus, soy isoflavones can prevent certain forms of cancer (mainly prostate, bladder, colon and breast). They may also delay the onset of diseases that arise from aging including osteoporosis, Alzheimer's disease and certain symptoms associated with menopause.This is useful in preventing the formation of atheromatous plaques in blood vessels (reduces LDL cholesterol and raises HDL-cholesterol), thus preventing the appearance of certain cardiovascular pathologies. All this without causing the side effects typical of estrogen synthesis.
Lycopene is a carotenoid (P-carotene isomer) present in some foods. The tomato is one of the foods with the highest concentration of this substance. It is an antioxidant that helps prevent and repair cell damage caused by free radicals, resulting from the metabolic reactions of the human organism and exposure to certain risk factors (smoking, air pollution, stress).This property is extremely important for protection against many diseases, especially cancer and cardiovascular disease. There are clinical studies that show the beneficial effect of lycopene on prostate cancer and lung.
DL-a-tocopherol (Vitamin E)
Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant, it protects the cell membranes against lipoperoxidation process, protecting, in turn, the entire contents of intracellular harmful action of free radicals. Prevents the formation of toxic products result¬ ing from the oxidation reactions that occur in the body. lt has an active role in preventing aging, cancer and neurodegenerative diseases.lt also presents anticoagulant action, neuro protective, anti-proliferative, immunomodulatory and antiviral.
This product is well tolerated by diabetics.
Ext lip. Serenoa repens (Palmeira Florida); Ext dry Cucurbita pepo (pumpkin), Soy isoflavones; Ext dried Echinacea angustifolia (Echinacea); Ext dry Arctostaphylus uva-ursi (bearberry); Ext dry Vitis vinifera (Vine); Lycopene; Ext lip. Pygeum africanum (Plum africana); DL-a-tocopherol (vitamin E), anti-caking agents (microcrystalline cellulose, silica); Gelatin; colorant (titanium dioxide).